Site Inductions
Please refer to the Glencore Workforce Onboarding System or contact your Glencore site representative for further information.
‘Glencore Only’ profiles are locked down and controlled by Glencore directly, if any company transfers/terminations/personal details updates etc need to be made to any ‘Glencore Only’ profile, please contact your Glencore Site Representative to have these changes made.
Important Information
‘Glencore Only Profiles’
We are currently in the process of separating all Glencore & Non-Glencore profiles in the system which means your employees will now have two profiles, one for ‘Glencore Only’ Inductions and skills, and the other for all Non-Glencore Inductions and skills.
If your employee currently has a profile with both Glencore & Non-Glencore Inductions and skills, you and your employee will both be notified via email outlining all changes including the new Non-Glencore TWMS ID number.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Mangoola Coal is an open cut coal operation in the Wybong area, 20 kilometres west of Muswellbrook and approximately 10 kilometres north of the township of Denman. Mangoola Coal is based on a large, undeveloped coal reserve of approximately 150 million tonnes (Mt). Mangoola Coal aims to provide a long term, secure and profitable supply of high quality coal, whilst conducting operations in an environmentally responsible manner through the effective management, mitigation and offsetting of environmental impacts. Mangoola Coal aims to support our local community and be a responsible community member.