TerraCom Limited is an ASX (TER) mid-tier resource company and one of Australia’s most progressive junior mining and exploration companies. TerraCom have proudly re-established operations at one of the oldest Coal Mines in Qld, Blair Athol, with the site originating back to 1864.
With the support of our principal contractor Link Mining Services Pty Limited, TerraCom employs locally and is a strong supporter of our regional community. One of our joint core values is our commitment for development of a harm free environment for our employees, contractors and those in contact with our operations.
About Damstra Technology
The Damstra Enterprise Protection Platform (EPP) is a contractor management system that allows our clients to manage their site-based workforce, contractors, and visitors. The EPP accurately captures and reports on employee skills, competencies, induction status, training, appointments, insurance, and total hours worked.
Damstra also offers an EPP Company Portal to contracting companies to assist in managing their employee’s compliance requirements.
Damstra’s EPP Portal allows companies to: