CPB Contractors have been engaged by Health Infrastructure NSW to deliver the first stage of the ‘Integrated Nepean Hospital Redevelopment’

The objective of the Integrated Nepean Hospital Project is to complete a major redevelopment of Nepean Hospital Campus and provide an advanced integration with existing community health centres within the surrounding Penrith wider LGA. The redevelopment includes;

  • Services Enabling Works
  • The construction of  multiple off/on site community health centres
  • Site enabling works
  • Refurbishment works to existing facilities
  • Construction of a six level multistorey car park
  • New main tower and entry point to campus

About Damstra Technology

The Damstra Enterprise Protection Platform (EPP) is a contractor management system that allows our clients to manage their site-based workforce, contractors, and visitors. The EPP accurately captures and reports on employee skills, competencies, induction status, training, appointments, insurance, and total hours worked.

Damstra also offers an EPP Company Portal to contracting companies to assist in managing their employee’s compliance requirements.

Damstra’s EPP Portal allows companies to:

  • Book and pay for new inductions, site familiarisations, and registrations for their employees
  • Review employee qualifications and skills
  • Update expiring qualifications, licenses, and skills
  • Track employees’ times with daily and weekly cumulative totals
  • Track employees’ timecards that include in/out times at each site
  • Ensure employee safety with EPP Fatigue Management and EPP Alerts
  • Manage company details, documents, and compliance requirements
  • Add and terminate employees